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S3 licensed
driving with keyboard is difficult. you are doing something wrong if driving with mouse makes problem for you.

mouse tips:
if you want to steer right - move your mouse right.
opposite - if you want to steer left
S3 licensed
Quote from Velocity. :Trouble with leaving the vote option on is that Goatse use multiple accounts. Then vote to ban everyone on the server. I/we are then swamped with unban requests. TBH the best thing racers can do when these idiots join the server is to leave. Only for maybe 10mins then they get bored,think they have won and move onto a different server

agree, voting helps in situation with 1-2 idiots on boat.

i also saw interesting configuration of full version of airio that "recognized" wrong votes - probably when someone/someones starting to vote soon after joining to server or if start voting when have lower count of laps than voted racer etc... ideas to implement ________ also for gai-luron

in combination with "trusted" coef of voting people what might be computed from some lfsw data... total laps, finished races?...

oh, too much of progressive ideas, good night
Last edited by [d9], .
S3 licensed
im "occasional" visitor of B2R server and i would like to say, that recently i met serious idiots (including user name fakes like VeIocity. etc.) there.

please, B2R guys, consider about possibility of turning voting on, when admins/mods are not there.

then, please, racers, do not vote if you do not know exactly from what/who, to who and because of what voting comes.

ctrl+shift > right click on name

/ws bl1 xfg l VeIocity.
LFSW - lapcount for veiocity. on BL1 XFG : 37

/ws bl1 xfg pb VeIocity.
LFSW - PB for veiocity. on BL1 XFG : 1:32.77

thats tells you who is who
Last edited by [d9], .
S3 licensed
microsoft virtual pc for ppc mac
S3 licensed
Quote from Myw :I don't want to use KB but my only problem with mouse is that whenever I oversteer, I can't catch it and I spin out.

if you did not forget to use in car view
S3 licensed
nice work dusan,
2 suggestions from perfectionist :

- multiply "layer" with GI shadows from default skin over your artwork for nicer look ingame

- use less jpeg compression - jpeg artefacts on edges of clean red areas look really ugly now


S3 licensed

i did some tests on lattest crossover for mac - based on wine, standard shadows are not rendered correctly, test shadows look ok only when low res shadows are on.

S3 licensed
voted yes.
AT LEAST... multithreading should help to dual-core notebooks with integrated gfx to manage physics+3d and sw rendering simultaneously.
S3 licensed
there is one important "issue" with keyboard - you need to spend some (huge) time amount to get used with its steer/return rate behaviour, that needs to be set a bit different for each car/track/set combination - against free steer left/right with analogue input (mouse/wheel) which is only depend on your movings.

take a look on his (that fastest keyboarder on bl1 fbm) online lapcount (and multiple it by 2 if you know that demo racers are counted on lfs stats since patch Z) - to beat him, you will need 5 times less practice with mouse or 10 times less practice with precise wheel.

your choice how you spend your time
Last edited by [d9], .
S3 licensed
i found good reference and source of inspiration...
app cals lfs2day (same as server where is running) developed by misha_nl...
in local/lfsw statisctics and administration backend honesly not comparable with anything i ever saw.
check screenshots, especially nr. 6 - connected players list with management.

- lfsw statistics tables
- sectors statistics tables
- navigation in statistics tables - previous, next, track, car, filter...
- connected players array with status, AIs detection
- possibility to use input requesters - messages, nr. of laps... - short way to use it also as saved reports to admins, passwords... - like ctra...
- ban list management



Last edited by [d9], .
S3 licensed
Quote from michele0676 :Hi Gai Luron, how i can see the banned list in my LfsLapper ?

this is imo good improvement request
S3 licensed
Quote from Tim NL :lol

I was trying to create something to start a race with a rolling start.
The idea was that the safety car is on pole and driven by a admin. second place is empty, and 3rd to the last is everyone who is racing is order of the qual. I dont know if this is posible but it sounds great .
I did a race on iracing on a oval with a rolling start and it was really great

i think its possible if insim app can watch this empty space and spectates everyone who tries to join or if momentary reduces /carsmax variable.

+ remember, there is also track/s with 3 cars in row - bl2
S3 licensed
Quote from Tim NL :
Is it then also posible to leave a place on the grid open?
Example: 1st place a player, 2nd place empty ,3rd to last place the rest of the players.
Thanks in advance

hehe, this is oportunity for "newcommers" to join there
S3 licensed

thanx for response!

Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello,

Thank's for your post

LFSLapper don't work with AI


this is future request


Quote from Gai-Luron :Already exist. Group of User. Infinite number of Group. Take a look on onMessage event to view simple use.

oh, i meant combinations of different user groups with one command. i am sorry if thats works already - i am not familiar with newest lapper

Quote from Gai-Luron :
Can you explain more. I don't know how work airio. No time to install it

basically - driver with blue flag is informed about it with msg (like: "you are under blue flag, give way to [d9], dist. 50m", after 5 secs: "you are under blue flag, give way to [d9], dist. 10m")...

and i saw also configuration when distance is decreasing with some speed or to specified limit - probably to 1 meter or so and blue flag stills for couple of soconds - action is executed > spectate the driver if he does not wnat to let pass the overlapper

best regard

S3 licensed

ok, i am the first one

there are few (imo) basic things, which lapper does not have atm, and i miss them:

- configurable columns in !top lists - nickname, username, time, splits, date

- AIs detection and prevention of making them the stats + simple management (possibility to blocking them)

- actions for racers removing or swapping position of other racers on entry screen ... like ctra/airio

- !cancel command for admins/moderators (defined user groups) - stopping of restart/qualify countdown eventually to cancel of kick/ban vote (different command eg. !cancelvote or same command with intelligent behaviour for both situations) ... inspired by zion manager

- blue flag management + actions ... like airio

- custom grid building on restarts (depend on session pb/server pb/lfsw pb etc.) ... like airio/ctra

- possibility of use of mutliple groups of admins/mods - eg. !kick commnd (power users+mods+admins), !ban command (mods+admins), !track command (admins)

- racer cautions system (1 more column in database?) - penalty points, some maight be automatic (with d/t/30/45 penalties, collisions under blue flags, used shortcuts, reversed driving, kick count...etc.), some given by admins/mods
+ actions - eg. when someone reaches 100 penalty points > ban 10 days or so... or used for local racer's rating ... inspired by iracing


this is all atm,

critic comments welcome,

thanx gai for development,

Last edited by [d9], .
bug report
S3 licensed

im not sure, if that was reported/fixed already (not spotted in changelog).
i was spectated durning race on [sr] server - twice message "YOU MUST DRIVE OR..." then spectated in 100kph+ speed :-/
probably bug in missmatched id assign?
airio 2.2.0
S3 licensed
Quote from Gai-Luron :
Not for the Next Release, i need to do a stable version!. I don't add new spec, i try to finish remote admin control for now and debug LFSLapper.

Thank's for the ideas, Probably in future version



thanx for your answer, and your work!

S3 licensed
lapper is almost like ctra now

nice work, thanx for it, gai-luron.

there left very few things, that i miss:

- areas > to closing shortcuts; coordinates, max allowed speed, penalty, race/qual...
- blue flag management > auto spec blockers under blue flag; duration and decrescent distance under blue flag, action to blue flagger
- grid sorting after race > typically by session pb; maybe other eventuality... by lfsw pb, server pb, inverted?
- action for player removing other players from start grid in end of race screen


S3 licensed
it is possible to do 1.34.xx at least with race_s setup, so rest is in your hands/brain

Quote from Lounger :I was looking intresting "professional" hotlap files for standard setups. But links are very useful, so I got that I should improve my driving and look into car setups. Today my best lap is already 1:38.03, so I'm rather optimistic about that Thank you for answers!

S3 licensed
not every option the game offers is realistic...

there is officially prohibited to use some ingame options in hotlaps/racing?

if not i suggest to organize a "true good drivers club" with bawbag as leader
- in car view
- 720 deg steer lock (or depend on car)
- axis handbrake
- axis clutch in axis clutch cars
- no digital gauges in road cars
- shift+f mode
- 100% FF

goal? i dont know... maybe fuse to ban or put to shame the "dirty" ones (us)?

back to topic...
worm is of course hotlapping imo
Last edited by [d9], .
S3 licensed

never tried to run multiple servers from one exe/config... running only 2 servers - demo/s2.

i just think its not ideal to have only global ban without possibility to ban on single server too.

btw its more wider problem - managing multiple servers with single lapper leads to additional config files - like in airio - every server needs different configuration -> exceptions...

Quote from Yisc[NL] :Hallo? Are you dutch
Anyway, When running multiple servers you should use one central ban file.
I've got 8 running at the moment (10 again soon) and they are all using the same LFS.exe and ban file. So banned on one servers, means banned on all of them.
No function for Lapper since LFS handles this very nice.

S3 licensed
Quote from Andy King :
Feature Request: The !ban feature needs an update, can we allow the !ban to ban on all servers now 1 instance of Lapper connects to all servers. So basically I type !ban Username 365 and the username gets banned for 365 days on ALL my servers. Lapper takes the command and passes it to every server connected. Please add this ASAP as we are struggling to keep up.

this is not so clear. sometimes you need to ban 0 someone in wrong time on wrong place or if you provide more different types of servers - ban on race server for drifting etc.
well, !ban and !globalban or !ban [servername1, servername2...] might be ideal
S3 licensed
+1 absolutely

and +1 to explain to s14, what doppler effect is...
S3 licensed
hallo developers!

im in good spirit right now, so please forgive me my enterprising question:

i would like to set to every finished racer points in their variables:

finish list seems like:

1. racer1
2. racer2
3. racer3

total racers initially started in this race -> variable eg. $started = 5;

well, i want to set:

$points["racer1"] = $points["racer1"] + $started;
$points["racer2"] = $points["racer2"] + ($started - 1);
$points["racer3"] = $points["racer3"] + ($started - 2);

or (if i want to be really special), i want to set points like ELO system:

$points["racer1"] = $points["racer1"] + ($started * $coef_of_points_of_racers_beated * $coef_of_race_length); or so.


i belive, this seems to be possible in new lapper (im not sure, if there are implemented race results already, but i hope, yes)

i would like to work bit statistical with this "data" aswell,

something like !top of $points[]

Last edited by [d9], .
S3 licensed
Quote from Gai-Luron :Normally, yes ^^

wow! god!

thank you very much!
